Tuesday, July 03, 2007

You know what I hate. Band geeks who suddenly act like they know a lot about music when they really really don't. Jenn, I swear I'm not talking about you. But like you know the people who were in band for years and years, and have a stupid opinion on everything. And they'll throw out all these random terms they think mean something in the context but really don't. Like shut up lah. You're just band geeks who can't even play your instruments well. And oh oh, they'll grade every school band they hear like they're big experts or whatever. Annoyinggg.

'We play Metallica and Nirvana as good as they did.' Fuck off fuck off.

Dunno why I'm suddenly blogging about this. Just thought about when someone said that about their band, and I got really annoyed all over again. You can just trust Singaporeans to try and act a lot cooler than they really are, and totally crash and burn. Hahaha. Its funny though, when its not so annoying.

I've got 2 papers tomorrow. Look at me, I haven't even touched anything yet. Been lazing around all day. Hours and hours on the phone. And plates and plates of yummy lasagna. I'm gonna get fat fat fat at this rate. Yeah deal with that when it happens.

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